Monday, January 7, 2013

To be gentle.

This is the first post of my journey on the way to gentleness. I would not say that the world has made me hard, but I find it difficult sometimes to see the good in people and situations. The last few months have been especially trying with another move under my belt, seeking yet again for a step to fulfill my own ambition. Being away from my family has made me really look inward (i.e. become a selfish girl) and being busy seems to limit my opportunities to do good. I am hoping this journey will change me in ways that typical resolutions for losing weight, having more self-discipline, and running a marathon could not even dream. 

Over the last week I have used a good amount of brainpower on trying to decide what this new year could bring for me. It took a discussion with my super-duper, wise sister to see perhaps looking outward would be the best type of resolution. As I was thinking about characteristics I would like to have I listed hope, charity, gratitude, endurance, listening, kindness, etc; however, once I found gentleness, I could hardly get it out of my head. Gentleness could really cover a lot of the ground I was hoping to cover. I realized perhaps I did not need more discipline in my life, but by being more gentle on myself, I could accomplish as much with less stress. Also, by being more gentle towards others I could recognize their good qualities, be more forgiving, and find joy in the small things. In a nutshell, gentleness might be lowering my expectations a bit by seeing the world through a different lens. 

I looked up the definition of gentle to find as an adjective it means "mild in temperament or behavior; kind or tender." These are three things I truly desire to be but I feel I have a long way to go. Additionally, the verb is defined "to make or become gentle; calm or pacify." When I slow down and look around me, I see a need in the world for these characteristics; in my friends, family, and even students. The great thing is, with a little help, I can meet some of those needs by becoming more gentle. 

Everyone knows I love a good without further ado: soft-mild-tender-kind-meek-noble-tame. I will probably talk more about these qualities in the weeks to come and share my stories, both good and bad. 

So, GOAL #1 this week? Get rid of the word "HATE." One of my favorite phrases last semester was
 "I hate you; but really I love you." 
What a mixed message? In an effort to get this goal on the road, I intend on only saying good things about other people. 

Therefore, this is the end of gossip, hate, and backbiting. HOLD ME TO IT!  

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